What experiments can you do with bacteria?

What experiments can you do with bacteria?

More Bacteria Experiment Ideas

  • Mouthwash. Swab your teeth and gums and see how well toothpaste or mouthwash work against the plaque-causing bacteria on your teeth.
  • Dog’s mouth: Have you heard people say that dogs’ mouths are cleaner than humans’?
  • Band-aid.
  • Water bottle.
  • Shoes.
  • Toothbrush.
  • Makeup.

What grows bacteria in a Petri dish?

If you want to grow bacteria in a petri dish, prepare an agar by mixing 1/2 teaspoon of agar powder with 1/4 cup of water. Place the mixture in the microwave for 1 minute until the water boils, and then let it cool to room temperature before pouring the mixture into the dish.

What can I use instead of petri dishes?

For containers, you can use foil muffin tins, clear plastic cups covered with plastic baggies, clear Tupperware with lids, or real petri dishes.

How do agar plates grow bacteria?

To make your own agar petri dishes or ramekins, pour 625ml of water into a clean microwave-safe medium-sized glass bowl. Add 25g of agar into the same bowl, stir until completely dissolved with a clean spoon or fork. 04. Put the agar-water solution into the microwave and set the timer for 4 minutes.

Why is agar used to grow bacteria?

Agar, which is a polysaccharide derived from red seaweed (Rhodophyceae) is preferred because it is an inert, non-nutritive substance. The agar provides a solid growth surface for the bacteria, upon which bacteria reproduce until the distinctive lumps of cells that we call colonies form.

What is the objective of the growing bacteria experiment?

Growing Bacteria. The objective of this experiment is to learn how to grow bacteria in a controlled setting.By using simple materials from home instead of Petri dishes students will learn how to perform sterile technique.The outcome of this experiment depends largely upon their ability to keep their equipment sterile.

What are some fun 4th grade science experiments?

This model seismometer is easy to build and fun to experiment with. 35. Conduct an egg drop Here’s one more classic to round out our list of 4th grade science experiments: the egg drop!

How can I observe bacterial growth on agar agar?

Very lightly rub the swab across the agar, and leave it to sit in an area that is warm for a couple of days. You can record your observations over those two days, and then perform the same experiment by swabbing under your fingernails. Did you notice the progression of the bacteria and how they grew as you left them in the warm climate for a while?

Where can you see bacteria?

Bacteria are everywhere, even if you can’t see them with your own eyes. Do you want to find out how they function and where you can see them? Check out some of these experiments!