What happens when a cancer patient white blood cells are low?

What happens when a cancer patient white blood cells are low?

With a low white blood cell count and, in particular, a low level of neutrophils, you’re at higher risk of developing an infection. And if you develop an infection when you have a low white blood cell count, your body can’t protect itself. Infection can lead to death in severe cases.

How can I increase my white blood cells during chemo?

There is no particular food known to help boost WBC count. Our bodies need protein to produce WBCs, so it is important to get enough protein in your diet. If you are not eating well, ask to speak with an oncology dietitian at the treatment center. They can recommend high-protein foods to boost your intake.

What happens when white blood count is too low for chemo?

Your white blood cells are an essential line of defense against germs like bacteria and viruses that might make you sick. When the white blood cell count is low, your body has more difficulty fighting off infections. As a result, you may get sick more often or get sicker than you usually would.

What injection is given to increase white blood cells?

Filgrastim injection is used to treat neutropenia (low white blood cells) that is caused by cancer medicines. It is a synthetic (man-made) form of a substance that is naturally produced in your body called a colony stimulating factor. Filgrastim helps the bone marrow to make new white blood cells.

How long does it take for white blood cells to increase after chemo?

Your neutrophil count then starts to rise again. This is because your bone marrow restarts normal production of neutrophils. But it may take 3 to 4 weeks to reach a normal level again. When your neutrophil level returns to normal, you are ready for the next round of chemotherapy.

How long does it take for white blood cell count to increase after chemo?

Is low blood count life threatening?

Losing a lot of blood quickly results in acute, severe anemia and can be fatal.