What is 49xxxxy syndrome?

What is 49xxxxy syndrome?

Collapse Section. 49,XXXXY syndrome is a chromosomal condition in boys and men that causes intellectual disability, developmental delays, physical differences, and an inability to father biological children (infertility). Its signs and symptoms vary among affected individuals.

What is Frasers syndrome?

Fraser syndrome is a rare genetic disorder characterized by fused eyelids (cryptophthalmos), fusion of the skin between the fingers and toes ( syndactyly ), and abnormalities of the genitalia and urinary tract.

When is Potter’s syndrome Detected?

Clinical Testing and Workup A routine specialized imaging technique called a fetal ultrasound may detect Potter syndrome before birth. A fetal ultrasound uses reflected sound waves to create an image of the developing fetus and can reveal a lack of amniotic fluid.

What is Hannah syndrome?

Hannah is non-verbal, has limited means of effective communication, sensory processing disorder, she displays some autistic type behaviours. Hannah is a sensory seeker. Hannah was initially fed by NG tube as she had no gag reflex.

What causes ulnar nerve problems?

Other times, nerve problems can be the result of a chronic, long-standing condition that causes gradual deterioration of nerve function over time. Some of the more common locations and mechanisms for ulnar nerve injury include the following conditions.

What are the long-term effects of ulnar nerve injury?

People with ulnar nerve injuries may have difficulty pinching or grasping objects. 7  In the chronic setting, people who have long-standing nerve compression may experience wasting away of the muscles, which is called atrophy.

Where is the ulnar nerve compressed in cubital tunnel syndrome?

The actual location of compression of the ulnar nerve in people with cubital tunnel syndrome can vary and has been described as compression coming from a number of different structures behind the elbow. In this location, the ulnar nerve wraps directly behind the humerus bone along the back of the elbow joint.

What are the causes of dizziness?

Dizziness has many possible causes, including inner ear disturbance, motion sickness and medication effects. Sometimes it’s caused by an underlying health condition, such as poor circulation, infection or injury.