What is a sorter transformation?

What is a sorter transformation?

Sorter Transformation in Informatica is an Active transformation used to sort data from a source transformation either in ascending order (or) in descending order into the target table. The port on which sorting takes place is represented as ‘key’.

What will happen if sorted input setting is selected in the aggregator transformation but mapping passes unsorted input to aggregator?

Sorted input for aggregator transformation will improve performance of mapping. However, if sorted input is used for nested aggregate expression or incremental aggregation,then the mapping may result in session failure.

Is aggregator a transformation?

Aggregator transformation is an active transformation. And it is used to perform calculations on the data such as sums, averages, counts, etc. The integration service stores the group of data and row data in the aggregate cache. The Aggregator Transformation is more beneficial in comparison to the SQL.

How do you sort data without using sorter transformation in Informatica?

If you can ensure that data are sorted, you can not use Sort transformation. For example, you can use “order by” for RDBMS or previously sorted flat file. In any case the data must be sorted.

Why is Sorter an active transformation?

Its called active transformation because when we want the distinct rows to be sorted and once the sort happens we have rows with the duplicate data eliminated. This happens by setting the distinct output rows property to true. Hence Sort Transformation is called active Transformation.

Why do we use sorter transformation in Informatica?

Sorter transformation in Informatica is used to sort the data in an ascending or descending order based on single or multiple keys. This is the type an active transformation which sorts the data either in ascending order or descending order.

What is the difference in aggregator working with sorted input and without sorted input?

It reads each record only once from source, and stores it in cache which are separated by groups. Because it is not sorted, it will cache all the records before doing any calculation. But, when using sorted input, it needs to cache only the records for current group.

What is sorted input?

The Sorted Input option decreases the use of aggregate caches. When you use the Sorted Input option, the Integration Service assumes all data is sorted by group. As the Integration Service reads rows for a group, it performs aggregate calculations. When necessary, it stores group information in memory.

How can sorter transformation be used in Informatica with example?

Sorter transformation in Informatica is used to sort the data in an ascending or descending order based on single or multiple keys. This is the type an active transformation which sorts the data either in ascending order or descending order. The port which is participated in sor operation is defined as “key”.

Is the sorter transformation an active transformation?

The Sorter transformation is an active transformation. When you create a Sorter transformation, you specify ports as sort keys and configure each sort key port to sort in ascending or descending order.

How to sort data using Informatica sorter transformation?

For example, If you want to sort the data by Unit Price and Order Quantity then you have to checkmark both of them. Direction: Here we have to select the Sort direction. This Informatica Sorter Transformation provides two options: Ascending order (A to Z) and Descending Order (Z to A)

How do I sort ports in a sorter transformation?

When you create a Sorter transformation, you specify ports as sort keys and configure each sort key port to sort in ascending or descending order. The Data Integration Service sorts each port sequentially when you specify multiple ports for sort key. For example, you need to create an invoice for the overall customer sales from a customer database.

How to sort data in ascending or descending order?

Use a Sorter transformation to sort data in ascending or descending order according to a specified sort key. You can configure the Sorter transformation for case-sensitive sorting and for distinct output. The Sorter transformation is an active transformation.