What is interlayer coupling?

What is interlayer coupling?

Interlayer coupling, as a ubiquitous phenomenon residing among 2D materials (2DMs) systems, controls a thin layer exfoliation process and the assembly of vdWHSs and behaves with a unique degree of freedom for engineering the properties of 2DMs.

What is magnetic exchange coupling?

➢ Magnetic Exchange Coupling In the direct-exchange, there is a coupling between nearest neighboring cations without involving any intermediary anion; while the superexchange is generally a strong magnetic exchange interaction between two nearest neighboring cations through a non-magnetic anion.

What is oscillatory interlayer exchange coupling?

The coupling may originate from exchange and from magnetostatic interactions affecting magnetizations of ferromagnetic films across a non-magnetic spacer layer. For a metallic spacer the interlayer exchange coupling (IEC) oscillates as a function of its thickness.

What is exchange bias effect?

The exchange bias effect is attributed to a ferromagnetic unidirectional anisotropy formed at the interface between different magnetic phases. Generally, the process of field cooling from higher temperature is used to obtain ferromagnetic unidirectional anisotropy in different exchange bias systems.

What is magnetic anisotropic effect?

Magnetocrystalline anisotropy is the energy necessary to deflect the magnetic moment in a single crystal from the easy to the hard direction. The easy and hard directions arise from the interaction of the spin magnetic moment with the crystal lattice (spin-orbit coupling).

What is antiferromagnetic coupling?

Antiferromagnetic coupling is an effect that is often important for molecules with high spin multiplicity like this bridged manganese complex: This is a typical transition metal system in which antiferromagnetic coupling is of interest: Mn2O2(NH3)8.

Are antiferromagnetic materials magnetic?

In antiferromagnetic materials such as chromium, below the Neel temperature of 37 °C, under the applied magnetic field the neighboring atomic moments are antiparallel to each other, which leads to a zero net magnetization; therefore, such kind of materials are insensitive to a magnetic field.

Why is magnetic anisotropy important?

Magnetocrystalline anisotropy is commercially important because these materials have high Coercivity -meaning they are hard to demagnetize either by exposure to high temperatures or opposing magnetic fields. Rare earth magnets –like Neodymium- get such strong magnetic properties in part due to perpendicular pressing.

What is magnetic anisotropy example?

Magnetic anisotropy means that there is a nonuniform magnetic field. Electrons in π-systems (e.g., aromatics, alkenes, alkynes, carbonyls, etc.) interact with the applied magnetic field, which induces a magnetic field that causes the anisotropy (Fig. 2.2).

What is electron hole exchange interaction?

The electron–hole exchange interaction (EI) is an intrinsic property of semiconductors that impacts critical excitonic fine structure details, such as the energetic ordering of optically allowed (‘bright’) and forbidden (‘dark’) exciton states.

What is interlayer coupling in magnetic thin-film layers?

Interlayer coupling in magnetic thin-film layered structures play an important role in controlling their magnetic properties. The coupling may originate from exchange and from magnetostatic interactions affecting magnetizations of ferromagnetic films across a non-magnetic spacer layer.

What is interlayer exchange coupling (IEC)?

The coupling may originate from exchange and from magnetostatic interactions affecting magnetizations of ferromagnetic films across a non-magnetic spacer layer. For a metallic spacer the interlayer exchange coupling (IEC) oscillates as a function of its thickness.

Is there a magnetic control of interlayer electronic coupling in crsbr?

Here we show the magnetic control of interlayer electronic coupling, as manifested in tunable excitonic transitions, in an A-type antiferromagnetic 2D semiconductor CrSBr.

Why use Wannier excitons to probe electronic-magnetic coupling in crsbr?

The use of Wannier excitons to probe electronic-magnetic coupling in CrSBr contrasts with CrI 3 where the dominant optical transitions are from localized and parity forbidden d – d orbitals centred on the Cr atom 23. The lattice of CrSBr consists of vdW layers made of two buckled planes of CrS terminated by Br atoms (Fig. 1a ).