What is need of green revolution?

What is need of green revolution?

The green revolution thereby was intended to overcome food shortages in India by increasing the yields of agricultural produce with the help of better irrigation systems, pesticides, fertilizers, agricultural machinery, etc but also principally with the help of crop intensification focused on more resistant high- ……

What is Green Revolution Class 5?

Green revolution, great increase in production of food grains (especially wheat and rice) that resulted in large part from the introduction into developing countries of new, high-yielding varieties, beginning in the mid-20th century. Its early dramatic successes were in Mexico and the Indian subcontinent.

What are the salient features of green revolution?

What are the good effects of green revolution?

Advantages of Green Revolution The amount of greenhouse gas emissions will help to reduce this. It allows us to create more food than conventional methods of growing. In uncooperative conditions, it offers us with predictable yields. It allows a decline in food costs for the world economy.

Why is green revolution bad?

“The Green Revolution Was Bad for the Rural Poor.” Some have argued that small farmers and landless workers lost out as the Green Revolution spread: Only large farmers could afford the improved seeds and fertilizer; mechanization displaced laborers; and many tenant farmers were evicted by their landlords….

What are the three components of green revolution?

Some of the important components of the green revolution in India are as follows:

  • High Yielding Varieties (HYV) of seeds.
  • Irrigation (a) surface and (b) ground.
  • Use of fertilizers (chemical).
  • Use of Insecticides and Pesticides.
  • Command Area Development (CAD).
  • Consolidation of holdings.
  • Land reforms.

What are the characteristics of green revolution?

The main features of Green Revolution in India are:

  • Introduction of new and high yielding variety of seeds.
  • Increased use of fertilizers,pesticides and weedicides in order to reduce agricultural loses.
  • Increased application of fertilizers in order to enhance agricultural productivity.

What are the disadvantages of green revolution?

List of the Disadvantages of the Green Revolution

  • It created a lack of biodiversity in the global cropland structures.
  • It can be wiped out with one devastating disease.
  • It reduces the quality of the soil used for growing crops.
  • It requires the use of non-sustainable agricultural methods.

What is Green Revolution essay?

Green Revolution in India The Green revolution is revolutionary in character due to the introduction of new technology, new ideas, the new application of inputs like HYV seeds, fertilizers, irrigation water, pesticides, etc.

What are the two negative impacts of green revolution?

Demerits of Green Revolution: Poor farmers could not afford HYV seeds, fertilizers and machinery. The Green Revolution was limited to rice and wheat only….

What are the main causes of green revolution?

The following are the main causes of green revolution:

  • (i) Irrigation:
  • (ii) Agricultural Machinery:
  • (iii) Fertilizers:
  • (iv) High Yielding Variety of Seeds (HYV):
  • (v) Plant Protection:
  • (vi) Research:
  • (vii) New Techniques.
  • (viii) Marketing Facilities:

What is green revolution and its effects?

The Green Revolution (a term used for rapid increases in wheat and rice yields in developing countries brought about by improved varieties combined with the expanded use of fertilizers and other chemical inputs) has had a dramatic impact on incomes and food supplies in many developing countries.

What are the harmful effects of Green Revolution Class 9?

It has some negative effects as below:

  • The use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides caused erosion and pollution.
  • Loss of genetic diversity.
  • In drier locations, wheat yield gains fell drastically.
  • Excessive irrigation led to problems like leaching, water logging, etc.

Is the green revolution good or bad?

“The Green Revolution Was Bad for the Environment.” The Green Revolution did, however, bring environmental problems. Fertilizers and pesticides were often used excessively or inappropriately, polluting waterways and killing beneficial insects and other wildlife….

What are the two harmful effects of green revolution?

Loss of soil fertility, erosion of soil, soil toxicity, diminishing water resources, pollution of underground water, salinity of underground water, increased incidence of human and livestock diseases and global warming are some of the negative impacts of over adoption of agricultural technologies by the farmers to make ……

What are the 4 biggest problems with the green revolution?

Poor infrastructure, high transport costs, limited investment in irrigation, and pricing and marketing policies that penalized farmers made the Green Revolution technologies too expensive or inappropriate for much of Africa.

What are the major impacts of green revolution?

The crop area under high yielding varieties of wheat and rice grew considerably during the Green Revolution. The Green Revolution also created plenty of jobs not only for agricultural workers but also industrial workers by creating related facilities such as factories and hydroelectric power stations….

What is Green Revolution PDF?

Abstract. The Green Revolution refers to a series of research, development, and technology transfer initiatives, occurring between 1943 and the late 1970s in Mexico, which increased industrialized agriculture production in many developing nations.

What is the main feature of green revolution?

The main features of Green Revolution in India are: Introduction of new and high yielding variety of seeds. Increased use of fertilizers,pesticides and weedicides in order to reduce agricultural loses. Increased application of fertilizers in order to enhance agricultural productivity….

What is the side effect of Green Revolution?

There is indisputable evidence that the Green Revolution has had a negative impact on human health. Agricultural chemicals are known to have killed people especially farm workers. Many others have suffered serious side-effects including sterility, birth defects, cancer, nervous disorders and muscle wasting….

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Green Revolution Class 9?

Green Revolution introduces a number of modern farming methods in India. (i) Higher yield due to the use of HYV seeds. (ii) Machines like harvesters, tractors and threshers have made ploughing and harvesting faster and easier. (iii) Higher yield enabled farmers to sell the surplus food in the market and earn more.

What is green revolution in easy words?

: the great increase in production of food grains (such as rice and wheat) due to the introduction of high-yielding varieties, to the use of pesticides, and to better management techniques.

What are the benefits of Green Revolution Class 9?

Merits and Demerits of Green Revolution

  • Higher Yield.
  • Machines made for ploughing harvesting easy.
  • Surplus food can be sold to earn more.
  • Pests and insects controlled by pesticides and insecticides.
  • Good irrigation enhances production.