What is replacing the AAV?

What is replacing the AAV?

ACVs will replace AAVs over the next decade as the Corps plans to buy hundreds of the vehicles. Advertisement. “As far as force protection,” Davis said, “there’s really just no comparison at all. The ACV is far superior to the AAV in respect to the protection and armor it provides Marines.”

How much does an amphibious combat vehicle cost?

Phase 2. The second phase is the original high-water-speed effort to develop a vehicle capable of self-deployment from ships and travel at speeds of 13–15 knots on water, each costing $12–$14 million.

Are amphibious assault vehicles safe?

The statement states that “the Marine Corps stands by the efficacy of the recommendations that came from the multiple investigations into the AAV mishap from the summer of 2020, and with those recommendations implemented and sustained, the AAV is a safe and effective vehicle for amphibious operations.”

What does an amphibious assault vehicle do?

Designed to assault any shoreline from the well decks of Navy assault ships, AAVs are highly mobile, tracked armored amphibious vehicles that transport Marines and cargo to and through hostile territory.

How many Marines can fit in an AAV?

It is capable of carrying 21 combat equipped Marines in addition to the crew of 4: driver, crew chief/vehicle commander, gunner, and rear crewman.

Who makes the AAV?

The Amphibious Assault Vehicle (AAV)—official designation AAVP-7A1 (formerly known as Landing Vehicle, Tracked, Personnel-7 abbr….Assault Amphibious Vehicle.

Manufacturer United Defense
Produced 1972
Mass 29.1 t (64,000 lb)

Are amphibious vehicles still used?

The AAV SU program was intended to upgrade 392 out of the some 1,000-vehicle fleet to keep them operational through 2035 as the ACV gradually entered service. However, in August 2018 the Marine Corps terminated the AAV upgrade program, instead opting for increased procurement of the ACV.