What is the best anti-aliasing mode?

What is the best anti-aliasing mode?

The best anti-aliasing method can be difficult to choose and it generally depends on your machine. If you have a top-notch, high-end computer then SSAA is the best solution. If your PC is mid-range at best, then you will probably have the most FPS with FXAA.

Can I turn anti-aliasing off?

Locate the “Antialiasing – Mode” listing in the settings window. By default, this option will read “Application-controlled.” On this setting, your video card will obey whatever anti-aliasing options you set within each program. Click on “Application-controlled” and change the setting to “Off.”

What is the difference between FXAA and SMAA?

Fast Approximate Anti-aliasing (FXAA); a fast algorithm for mobile and platforms that don’t support motion vectors. Subpixel Morphological Anti-aliasing (SMAA); a high-quality but slower algorithm for mobile and platforms that don’t support motion vectors.

What is upscaled TAA?

Temporal upscaling uses a similar method to upscale lower-resolution images. The core difference is that, unlike TAA, alternating pixels are rendered in consecutive frames, and filling the gaps using interpolation and samples from the neighboring pixels.

How many Direct3D 10 and 11 demos are there?

There are 3 Direct3D 10 demos and 3 Direct3D 11 demos. Actually, all these demos are already included in Microsoft DirectX 11 SDK The first funny thing is that all these demos are linked to D3D 9:

What devices are supported by the Direct3D effect framework?

The Direct3D 10.0 effect framework supports 10.0 and 10.1 devices, however, any technique that includes shader model 4.1 shaders or the new 10.1 features must use a 10.1 device.

What’s new in d3dx10?

D3DX10 includes a set of utility functions to simplify this process (see D3DX10CreateDevice and D3DX10CreateDeviceAndSwapChain ). Some developers may choose to require Vista Service Pack 1, which will be distributed broadly to end-users and includes a series of improvements outside of Direct3D 10.1.

What is Direct3D 11/ Shader Model 5?

This sample presents a Direct3D 11/ Shader Model 5.0 accelerated technique that uses non-stationary/dynamic weight matrices for unique per-sample filter weights (these don’t necessarily represent a separable filter) for a contact hardening shadow effect.