What is the code of Stellenbosch?

What is the code of Stellenbosch?


Suburb Area Street
Stellenbosch Stellenbosch 7600
Tennantville Stellenbosch 7600
The Ridge Stellenbosch 7600
Uniedal Stellenbosch 7600

What is my postal code SA?

These postal code details have been gathered from the Postal Code booklet published by the SA Post Office….POSTAL CODES FOR SOUTH AFRICA.

Code Range Area
0001–0299 Gauteng—Pretoria/Tshwane
0300–0499 North West—northern part
0500–0698 Limpopo—south and west
0699–0999 Limpopo—north and east

Does South Africa use zip codes?

In South Africa, a postal code is a four-digit code that represents an area. As in other counties, postal codes facilitate the national postal agency, in this case the South African Post Office (SAPO), to automate sorting and delivery of mail.

What is brackenfell postcode?

Brackenfell/Zip codes

What suburb is Stellenbosch?

Stellenbosch has its own municipality (incorporating the neighbouring towns of Pniel and Franschhoek), adjoining the metropolitan area of the City of Cape Town. The town is home to Stellenbosch University….Stellenbosch.

Stellenbosch Eikestad
Municipality Stellenbosch
Established 1679
• Total 10.12 km2 (3.91 sq mi)

What is Polokwane postcode?

Polokwane/Zip codes

What is the postal code for Khayelitsha?

Khayelitsha/Zip codes

What is Parow Valley postal code?


Suburb Area Street
Parow North Parow 7500
Parow Valley Parow 7500
Parow West Parow 7500
Suburb Area Street

Why is Stellenbosch called Stellenbosch?

The town was founded in 1679 by the Governor of the Cape Colony, Simon van der Stel, who named it after himself – Stellenbosch means “(van der) Stel’s Bush”.