What is the conclusion of Frankenstein?

What is the conclusion of Frankenstein?

Summary What Does the Ending Mean? At the end of Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein dies wishing that he could destroy the Monster he created. The Monster visits Frankenstein’s body. He tells Walton that he regrets the murders he has committed and that he intends to commit suicide.

Why did the monster cry when Victor died?

In Frankenstein, the monster cries when Victor dies because he regrets what he has done to Victor. And without Victor, the monster has lost all reason to keep living. In this moment, he cries partly out of remorse and partly out of despair for himself.

How is Frankenstein a victim?

Frankenstein suffers further when his father dies as a result of the monster’s deeds. Frankenstein’s monster can be perceived as a victim because he was shown no love by his creator, abandoned at birth and treated unkindly and cruelly by those he tried to help.

How is Henry a foil to Victor?

Henry plays the foil to Victor; he embodies relentless clarity, openness, concern, and good health, in sharp contrast to Victor’s secrecy, self-absorption, and ill health.

Why does the monster kill Henry?

In Frankenstein, the monster kills Henry Clerval as an act of retribution. The monster is filled with rage after watching Victor destroy the female companion that he had longed for, so he kills Victor’s friend out of revenge.

How is the monster in Frankenstein like a child?

In Mary Shelley’s romantic novel ‘Frankenstein’, the creature is physically and socially isolated, leaving him like a directionless child completely unprepared for the cruelties and disappointments of life.

How did clerval die in Frankenstein?

Clerval is killed by The Monster in Scotland in revenge for Frankenstein not keeping his promise to create him a companion. Upon seeing Clerval’s body, Frankenstein suffers a breakdown and contracts a fever, but recovers after some time. Victor Frankenstein is blamed for his murder and imprisoned, but later aquitted.

Why did Frankenstein’s monster become evil?

The Monster turns to evil after being cast out from his “family.” Frankenstein has caused evil, in part, because, “In his obsession, Frankenstein has cut himself off from his family and from the human community; in his reaction to that obsession, Frankenstein cuts himself off from his creation” (Levine 92).

How does Victor attempt to correct the situation?

Victor fears the creature will kill him. He grieves over Elizabeth’s death and dies of heartbreak. How does Victor attempt to correct the situation? He tells a magistrate in Geneva about the creature and what it has done.

Why does Frankenstein say he killed clerval?

After Victor runs from the creature when the creature comes to life, Clerval nurses Victor back to health, playing the role of protector and comforter—a role Victor fails to assume for his own “child,” the creature. The creature eventually strangles and kills Clerval because Victor destroys his halfcreated mate.

What keeps Victor from killing himself?

What keeps Victor from killing himself? He could not kill himself because he does not want to let Elizabeth and her father and brother unprotected from the creature. You just studied 12 terms!

What is the purpose of the monster in Frankenstein?

Why does Frankenstein create the Monster? Frankenstein believes that by creating the Monster, he can discover the secrets of “life and death,” create a “new species,” and learn how to “renew life.” He is motivated to attempt these things by ambition. He wants to achieve something great, even if it comes at great cost.

Who is the monster’s last victim in Frankenstein?

Elizabeth Lavenza

How does Victor react when the creature comes to life?

How does Victor react when his creation comes to life? He is disgusted and runs screaming from the room.

Who do you sympathize with in Frankenstein?

This makes us sympathise with the monster because his creator, his father, despises him. Shelly expresses sympathy for the monster by using alliteration and powerful adjectives. These words make me feel empathy and sorrow for the monster because it has no one to look out for him.

What action does Victor take what is the result?

What action does Victor take? What is the result? Victor, in his anger, says to the magistrate, “How ignorant art thou in thy pride of wisdom!” (pg.

Who nurses Victor back to health?

Henry Clerval Victor’s

How is the monster in Frankenstein good?

The creature is also shown to be capable of both good and evil; the praise he gives to the humans for their positive actions and the charitable deeds he secretly commits for the family is a reflection of his own good and kind character, but the revenge he vows against mankind and the murders he commits are clearly a …

Is Frankenstein good or evil?

Throughout the novel, Victor’s character demonstrates acts of both good and evil. Although some people think that Victor Frankenstein is good because of his good intentions, he is actually evil due to his selfishness, his lack of responsibility and his thirst for revenge.