What is Zoysia grass?

What is Zoysia grass?

Zoysia Grass Basics Zoysia grass is native to Asia, but it’s been in the United States since at least 1895, 1 around the time lawns first captured the interest of American homeowners. It is what’s known as a warm-season grass, meaning its active growth starts in the warmth of late spring and peaks during hot summer weather.

How do you Mow Zoysia grass?

Active Zoysia growth typically starts when soil temperatures warm to about 65°F. Mow as needed to maintain Zoysia grass at the recommended grass height of 1 to 1 1/2 inches. Never remove more than one-third of the blade in a single mowing.

Can I overseed my Zoysia lawn for winter color?

If you plan to overseed your Zoysia lawn for temporary winter color, wait until nighttime temperatures are consistently lower than 65°F and the grass begins to brown. Avoid all weed killers at least three weeks before seeding with Pennington Smart Seed Perennial Ryegrass Grass Seed and Fertilizer Mix or Pennington Annual Ryegrass Grass Seed.

What are the disadvantages of zoysia grass?

Another negative is the very poor shade tolerance under trees. Yards with sun and shade areas would require shade beds under trees or choosing a different type of grass seed to grow in shade. The Ugly: The aggressive nature of zoysia can also be labeled invasive.

Does Zoysia grass choke out weeds?

Zoysia is an extremely aggressive spreading grass that can literally choke out weeds. Zoysia is pleasant on the eyes and feet. It tends to have a soft, fine texture and is naturally low-growing. The Bad: While zoysia grass boasts a few attributes, there are many downsides.

Does Zoysia grass cause headaches?

The basic fact about zoysia grass is that, unless it is grown in the right climate, it will cause more headaches than not. Invasive – Zoysia grass is a very invasive grass.

When will my Zoysia lawn green up?

Come spring, Zoysia lawns are among the first to green up again. Zoysia naturally develops a deep root system, and it’s very efficient at conserving moisture and resisting drought.