What should I do when I first bring my rabbit home?

What should I do when I first bring my rabbit home?

Keep them in a cage or small exercise area until they become more familiar with your home. Be sure to have his cage stocked with all the comforts of home – litterbox, food dish, water supply, solid place to rest, toys and a big hay pile.

Why is my rabbit so chubby?

Weight Gain If your rabbit puts on excess weight, it is a sign that his diet is providing too much energy and the excess is being stored as fat. Rabbits generally become over weight due to overfeeding energy rich foods, like commercial dry rabbit food, combined with a lack of exercise.

How long does it take a rabbit to lose weight?

When starting on a weight loss plan, it is best for your rabbit to lose weight slowly. Do not starve your rabbit to make them lose weight. This can lead to many other health issues. It can take 6 to 8 weeks for your rabbit to start to show signs of them losing weight.

How do I bond with my new rabbit?

How to Bond With Your Rabbit (The 12 Ways)

  1. Give Treats to Your Rabbit. Image Credit: Thomas_G, Pixabay.
  2. Stay Calm and Quiet.
  3. Don’t Hold Your Rabbit (all the time)
  4. Be Consistent.
  5. Play With Your Rabbit.
  6. Get Your Rabbit Spayed or Neutered.
  7. Give Your Rabbit Space.
  8. Learn to Recognize Fear Behaviors in Rabbits.

How do I make my rabbit more comfortable in a new home?

9 Tips to Help Your Rabbit Settle Into a New Home

  1. Set up a home base.
  2. Give your rabbit familiar objects.
  3. Make sure your rabbit is eating a healthy diet.
  4. Keep your rabbit in a quiet room.
  5. Be a calming presence.
  6. Stick to a daily routine.
  7. Make sure to thoroughly rabbit proof the home.
  8. Slowly give your rabbit more freedom.

Do bunnies get attached to their owners?

Rabbits do appear to become attached to one person once a bond has formed. The formation of this bond takes time, patience, and no small amount of work. However, an attachment requires a bit more time. New rabbits can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months to form an attachment to their owners.

What foods make rabbits fat?

How to Make Rabbits Fat

  • Water bottle or water bowl.
  • Timothy hay-based pellets.
  • Alfalfa hay-based pellets.
  • Bowl.
  • Fresh fruit.
  • Scale.

How do I know if my rabbit is too fat?

Using both hands, gently run your finger tips along the sides of your rabbit – you should be able to feel a slight fat covering over your rabbits ribs but you should still be able to feel them. If it becomes difficult to feel the ribs, your pet may be overweight. Next run your finger tips gently over the spine.

How can I Help my Rabbit lose weight?

The most rapid way to accomplish healthy weight loss is to feed a diet of quality grass hay only. There are, however, two very important considerations with this: the rabbit must be freely grazing hay throughout the day, and the hay must be of good quality.

Should I Feed my rabbit if he looks underweight?

Whilst it’s tempting to try and feed up a rabbit that looks underweight, a slow steady weight gain is healthier than a sudden one. Often weight loss is associated with muscle loss, so weight gain is slower as you aren’t just fattening up your rabbit but supporting new muscle development.

What happens if a rabbit is overweight at home?

Home Care of an Overweight Rabbit. If an obese rabbit is put on an inappropriate diet and loses weight too rapidly, the rabbit can become ill very quickly and be at risk for hepatic lipidosis. In this condition, fat cells replace liver cells, resulting in a severely damaged liver.

Can I Change my Rabbit’s diet?

But you need to take it slow when making any drastic changes to your rabbit’s diet. Rabbits have very sensitive digestive systems, so a sudden change in their diet can disrupt the system causing blockages or excessive gas in their intestinal tract.