Which is the default list-style-type of list tag?

Which is the default list-style-type of list tag?

The default list-style-type value for an ordered list is decimal , whereas the default for an unordered list is disc .

What is the default value of list-style-type property?

The list-style-type specifies the type of list-item marker in a list….Definition and Usage.

Default value: disc
Animatable: no. Read about animatable
Version: CSS1
JavaScript syntax: object.style.listStyleType=”square” Try it

What is list type in CSS?

The list-style-type property in CSS specifies the appearance of the list item marker (such as a disc, character, or custom counter style) if ‘list-style-image’ has the value ‘none’.

What are the different list style types?

The list-style-type property defines the type of list by setting the content of each marker, or bullet, on the list….Values for list-style-type

  • disc.
  • circle.
  • square.
  • decimal.
  • decimal-leading-zero.
  • lower-roman.
  • upper-roman.
  • lower-greek.

What is CSS list style property?

The CSS list-style property defines the appearance, position, and image for list item elements. It is a shorthand property for setting the list-style-type, list-style-position, and list-style-image CSS properties.

What is the meaning of list style type in CSS?

The list-style-type CSS property sets the marker (such as a disc, character, or custom counter style) of a list item element.

What are the different colors in CSS?

Basic Colors

Color name Hex rgb Decimal
white #FFFFFF 255,255,255
maroon #800000 128,0,0
red #FF0000 255,0,0
purple #800080 128,0,128

How do you change the color of the text on LI?

“css change li font color” Code Answer

  1. /*
  2. li only changes its bullets color, if you want to change.
  3. the text, you must use the ‘a’ tag after the li.
  4. */
  5. li a{
  6. color: white;
  7. }

Is it possible to change the color of the bullet?

Click a bullet or number in a list. All the bullets or numbers in the list are selected. On the Home tab, in the Font group, make the changes that you want. For example, click the arrow next to Font Color, and then click the color that you want.