Who treats atypical Odontalgia?

Who treats atypical Odontalgia?

A: While atypical odontalgia is not rare, it is uncommon enough that many dentists have not seen the problem and are not familiar with it. Therefore, diagnosis and treatment is best done by a dentist with advanced training and familiarity with the problem, such as a specialist in oral medicine or orofacial pain.

Can atypical Odontalgia be cured?

While treatment is successful in reducing the pain, it may not eliminate it completely. Atypical odontalgia is not a rare condition, but it is not commonly understood by many dentists if they are not familiar with it. When a dentist has advanced training in craniofacial pain, they can better meet your needs.

What does atypical Odontalgia feel like?

An atypical odontalgia sufferer feels aching pain in a tooth without the presence of an identifiable problem. Oral nerve injury caused by trauma during medical or dental procedures is marked by constant pain, aching, burning, numbness or tingling in the mouth, tongue or lip.

What is orofacial neuropathic pain?

Neuropathic orofacial pain is a general term employed to describe a number of clinical syndromes, which may be spontaneous or triggered by local trauma or systemic disorders. Symptomatically these painful syndromes may be episodic or continuous and are often difficult to distinguish from dental pathology.

How is odontalgia treated?

For temporary relief of a toothache, you can do the following:

  1. Rinse with warm saltwater. Saltwater can loosen debris between your teeth, act as a disinfectant and reduce inflammation.
  2. Rinse with hydrogen peroxide. A hydrogen peroxide (3% solution) helps to reduce inflammation and pain.
  3. Cold compress.
  4. Pain medications.

Is atypical facial pain psychological?

People who have had head trauma or numerous dental procedures have an increased chance of developing atypical facial pain. Psychological conditions, such as anxiety and depression, are also risk factors for atypical facial pain, with stressful life events sometimes preceding the onset of the pain.

Can nerves be damaged after tooth extraction?

Nerve injury Although far less common than dry socket, injury to sections of a nerve called the trigeminal nerve is another possible complication of wisdom tooth removal. It can cause pain, a tingling sensation and numbness in your tongue, lower lip, chin, teeth and gums.

Is there a cure for atypical facial pain?

As far as treatment, there are various medications including gabapentin, pregabalin and carbamazepine that are sometimes very effective. Some patients also find pain relief with opioids, but narcotic pain pills may lead to addiction.

What is post traumatic trigeminal neuropathy?

Introduction. Painful post-traumatic trigeminal neuropathy (PTTN) defines uni- or bilateral oral and/or facial pain, secondary to peripheral injury of the trigeminal nerve [1], following orthognathic surgery, facial trauma, tooth avulsions or endodontic treatments for instance.