Why does my lower bottom teeth hurt?

Why does my lower bottom teeth hurt?

Sensitive teeth are typically the result of worn tooth enamel or exposed tooth roots. Sometimes, however, tooth discomfort is caused by other factors, such as a cavity, a cracked or chipped tooth, a worn filling, or gum disease.

Why are my bottom middle teeth so sensitive?

The most common cause for sensitivity is due to exposed “dentin”. Dentin is the second layer of tooth (see photo below). This portion of the tooth is soft, porous and full of nerve fibers. The dentin exposed to stimuli causes the sensitivity.

How do I stop my bottom teeth from hurting?

Self-care tips

  1. Rinse your mouth with warm salt water.
  2. Gently floss to remove food or plaque between teeth.
  3. Apply a cold compress to your jaw or cheek.
  4. Take over-the-counter pain medication like acetaminophen.
  5. Try home remedies for toothaches like clove oil to numb the gums.

Is tooth pain always a cavity?

Tooth pain is not always caused by cavities. In fact, cavities generally do not cause tooth pain unless they are left untreated, in which case you may require a root canal. If you are experiencing any form of tooth pain, you should consult with your dentist who can identify the actual cause of your tooth discomfort.

Can you get cavities on your bottom front teeth?

The grooves and pits in back teeth make them more likely to get cavities. Food can get stuck in the crevasses and they can be hard to reach with a toothbrush. But cavities on front teeth are possible too. Dentists treat cavities in front teeth the same as any other cavity.

Will tooth pain go away?

Can my toothache go away on its own? Some toothaches that come from pain around (but not inside) your tooth can get better without a trip to the dentist. Pain from a temporary irritation (redness) in the gum can be resolved within a few days. During this time try not to chew around the affected area.

What can mimic a toothache?

Temporomandibular Joint Disorder (TMD). The pain can mimic a toothache, when it actually originates in the jaw joints.