How do you make a starburst rock cycle?

How do you make a starburst rock cycle?

STEP 1: Cut one of each color Starburst into fourths to act as sediments. STEP 2: Compact the pile of Starburst sediments together but do not form them, this will act as the Sedimentary Rock. STEP 3: Apply heat and pressure to the “Sedimentary Rock” with your hands or press into a ziplock/Starburst bag.

What is the starburst experiment?

Metamorphic Rock – When you apply heat and pressure to the sedimentary rock, you get a metamorphic rock. To do this, place 8 pieces of starburst candy into a ziplock bag. Push the candy pieces together to create a ball. This will take some time as it needs the heat of your hands and pressure to create.

What did you use to weather the starburst in the lab?

Unwrap all the Starburst. Using the grater, weather (shave) each of the different Starbursts onto the paper towel keeping the colors separated. 2. Now, one layer (color) at a time, erode (move) and deposit your weathered Starbursts into foil cupcake liner into a single neat pile of three layers.

What makes the rock cycle a cycle?

Overview. The rock cycle is a concept used to explain how the three basic rock types are related and how Earth processes, over geologic time, change a rock from one type into another. Plate tectonic activity, along with weathering and erosional processes, are responsible for the continued recycling of rocks.

How do you make edible rocks experiment?

Spread peanut butter on one side of one-half of your cracker and put it down on the plate. Sprinkle some chocolate chips and mini marshmallows onto the peanut butter. You now have four different layers in your sedimentary sandwich. Put the other half of your graham cracker on top and make a sandwich.

Is it possible that rocks may change from form to another?

Even rocks, a seemingly constant substance, can change into a new type of rock. Rocks that undergo a change to form a new rock are referred to as metamorphic rocks. In the rock cycle, there are three different types of rocks: sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic.

What are the 8 steps of the rock cycle?

The Rock Cycle

  • Weathering. Simply put, weathering is a process of breaking down rocks into smaller and smaller particles without any transporting agents at play.
  • Erosion and Transport.
  • Deposition of Sediment.
  • Burial and Compaction.
  • Crystallization of Magma.
  • Melting.
  • Uplift.
  • Deformation and Metamorphism.

What does the rock cycle tell us about how rocks are formed?

The rock cycle is a concept used to explain how the three basic rock types are related and how Earth processes, over geologic time, change a rock from one type into another. Plate tectonic activity, along with weathering and erosional processes, are responsible for the continued recycling of rocks.

What process does shaving the crayon represent?

· Q2: What do the crayon shavings represent? ( Fold the foil over the sediment and press down on the foil (this may be done by stepping on the foil); this process represents lithification – compacting and cementing sediments together.

What is the starburst rock cycle model?

Starburst Rock Cycle The Rock Cycle is a model describing the formation, breakdown, and reformation or restructuring of rock as a result of sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous processes. There are three types of rock, each formed by a different process:

How do you make a starburst rock?

STEP 1: Cut one of each color Starburst into fourths to act as sediments. STEP 2: Compact the pile of Starburst sediments together but do not form them, this will act as the Sedimentary Rock.

What is the rock cycle?

The Rock Cycle is a model describing the formation, breakdown, and reformation or restructuring of rock as a result of sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous processes. There are three types of rock, each formed by a different process: Igneous Rock The word igneous comes from the Latin word ignis, meaning fire. Igneous rock

What to do with 3 Starburst candies?

After all who wouldn’t enjoy learning about the rock cycle with some yummy Starburst Candy. 3 Starburst Candies for each student. I suggest that the students have three different flavors but they can get by with two of one flavor and one of another. They will stack the unwrapped candies to create layers for a sedimentary rock.