What are the costocorporeal joints of the vertebrae?

What are the costocorporeal joints of the vertebrae?

The costocorporeal joints connect the concave costal facets of the thoracic vertebra and the convex articular facets found on the heads of all ribs; Vertebrae T1-T10 have two costal facets; a superior one and an inferior one.

What are the ligaments that support the costovertebral joints?

A number of small ligaments also support the costovertebral joints: Radiate ligament of head of rib – Fans outwards from the head of the rib to the bodies of the two vertebrae and intervertebral disc. Costotransverse ligament – Connects the neck of the rib and the transverse process.

What are costal demifacets in vertebrae T1-T10?

Vertebrae T1-T10 have two costal facets; a superior one and an inferior one. When these facets are interrupted by the superior or inferior margins of vertebral body, they are often referred to as costal demifacets,.

What are the costosternal and costochondral joints?

Closely related to the costovertebral and costotransverse joints, which articulate the ribs posteriorly with the thoracic vertebrae, are the costosternal and costochondral joints, which articulate the ribs anteriorly with the sternum.

What is the function of the costovertebral complex?

The costovertebral complex is an essential component of the biomechanics of chest wall movement. The costovertebral ligaments make the actions of the costovertebral joints and intervertebral movement possible. The ligaments function to: Affix, stabilize and allow some motion of the ribs on the thoracic vertebra at the costovertebral joint.

What are the prime movers of the costovertebral joints?

The prime movers of the costovertebral joints are the muscles of respiration. Namely the respiratory diaphragm and intercostal muscles. sternocleidomastoid, scalene, serratus anterior, pectoralis major, pectoralis minor, latissimus dorsi and serratus posterior superior.

What are the costocorporeal joints of the ribs?

The connection between the heads of the ribs with the sides of one, or two adjacent vertebral bodies are known as the costocorporeal joints/joints of head of ribs. The articulations of the necks and tubercles of the ribs with the transverse processes of their corresponding thoracic vertebra are the costotransverse joints.